Typical Dalmatian

If you follow 1 of our marked walks or just explore behind the B&B, you will come across stone walls everywhere. These stones are stacked “dry” on top of each other without using cement.

You often see the walls bordering olive groves, vineyards or other pieces of land. The stones were stacked by farmers to clear the land and often to mark their property. The B&B’s garden is also completely bordered by stone walls.

In Croatian, they are called ‘suhozidovi’ and the technique has been used for centuries. Many of these walls are still standing today, something that is not at all evident without using cement.

The building technique was also used to build shelters. Farmers often spent a whole day on their land, sometimes with a few sheep, and therefore needed a place to shelter from rain/wind. Such shelters are called ‘Bunja’ in Dalmatia.






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